The Millennials’ Guide to Choosing the Best Auto Insurance

Navigating thе mazе of Auto Insurance can bе daunting and еspеcially for millеnnials who may bе purchasing thеir first policy. This guidе aims to dеmystify thе

The Millennials' Guide to Choosing the Best Auto Insurance

procеss and hеlping you makе informеd dеcisions about thе bеst auto insurancе for your nееds.

Approximately 58.4 million millennials, or 80% of the 73 million millennials in the US, are car owners. It’s likely that if you’re a millennial, you’ll need auto insurance at some point, since 49 of the 50 states have legal requirements for it (New Hampshire is the exception).

Choosing the appropriate auto insurance can be difficult.

Not only do state regulations differ, but insurance companies also provide a variety of coverage options, which further complicates matters. We’ll go over the various kinds of coverage in this guide, as well as some easy methods to use to find the best auto insurance for your needs and budget.

Essential Notes

Except in one state (New Hampshire), having auto insurance is mandated by law. If you are hit by a hit-and-run driver, someone without insurance, or someone who is underinsured, you are covered by uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage.

Property damage, comprehensive coverage, collision, and bodily injury liability are additional forms of coverage. You can qualify for lower insurance costs if your vehicle has contemporary safety features.

Examine your state’s requirements for coverage and determine the kind and amount of coverage you require based on your driving style, age of vehicle, and current financial status to ensure you don’t overpay for coverage you won’t use.

Highway Collisions and Insurance

Based on the most recent data available, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that there were over 6.10 million traffic crashes in the United States in 2021.

These crashes cost drivers a lot of money, which exacerbates the situation. The average amount of a collision claim in 2022 was $5,992.

Could you afford to cover that cost with cash?

Even with flawless driving abilities, mishaps do occur. Imagine if an oak tree topples over your parked car. What happens if a highway pileup crumples your hybrid? An incident like this could throw you into financial ruin if you don’t have auto insurance. It’s critical to consider auto insurance to be worthwhile, so continue reading to determine the kind of coverage you require.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

In the event that an uninsured motorist or a hit-and-run driver strikes your car, uninsured motorist coverage will cover the cost of repairs. It also pays for all of the passengers in your car’s medical bills, pain and suffering expenses, and, in the worst case, funeral costs. In certain states, having this kind of coverage is required.

Insurance Against Collisions

Collision coverage assists in covering the cost of auto repairs if you are involved in an accident. Your insurance company will likely give you a check for the full value of your car instead of covering the cost of repairs if the repairs exceed the value of your car. It is imperative that you obtain collision insurance if your vehicle is new or nearly new.

 Liability Insurance for Physical Injury

This insurance pays for medical care, rehabilitation costs, funeral costs, legal fees, and pain and suffering costs if you are in an accident that injures someone else. It provides coverage for injured pedestrians as well as other drivers’ and passengers’ cars. The majority of states require this kind of coverage, and each state has its own minimum requirements.

Liability for Property Damage

This includes property damage as well as harm you inflict to other cars in the event of an automobile accident. Let’s say you crash into someone’s fence when you swerve to avoid a dog or a deer. Liability insurance for property damage will contribute to the cost of replacing or repairing the fence. Nevertheless, your car’s damage is rarely covered by this coverage. You’ll need collision coverage in order to cover those costs.

All states require property damage liability, and each state has a different minimum coverage amount. For instance, Florida has a $10,000 minimum coverage requirement, but Ohio has a $25,000 minimum.

Nevertheless, given that the average price of a new car is $48,334 according to Kelley Blue Book, these minimum requirements typically don’t provide you with enough coverage to fully protect you.

Find out how much property liability coverage you require by speaking with your insurance provider.

Entire Coverage

You could think that since the coverage is all-inclusive, this is all you need when you see the word “comprehensive.” However, that isn’t the truth. (Yes, there are misleading terms in auto insurance.)

Comprehensive insurance covers any harm to your vehicle that does not result from an accident. This includes damage from animals (you hit a deer), falling objects (think objects flying off the back of trucks on the highway or trees collapsing on your car), theft, vandalism, riots, fire, and natural disasters (think hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes). If your car is stolen, along with its contents, this insurance will also cover you.

Take note

Many lenders require comprehensive coverage. Check with the lender to see if this coverage is necessary if you still owe money on your car or if you’re leasing a car.

Prices of New and Old Vehicles

Given that they are typically worth more, you might assume that insurance for new cars is more expensive. This isn’t always the case, though. One factor that affects car insurance rates is the likelihood of damage to your vehicle. Because new cars are built with cutting-edge safety features, insurance for them is often inexpensive, which contributes to reduced rates. The likelihood of it being damaged in an accident is reduced when your car has more contemporary safety features.

On the other hand, you might not require a lot of insurance if you already own a much older car that is paid off. While you’ll probably need to purchase liability coverage (especially if it’s mandatory in your state), collision and comprehensive coverage may not be worth the expense—especially if you can afford to repair or replace your car. Even if your car is totaled, the premiums you will pay over time will likely be greater than the payout if it is worth $5,000 or less.

When To Lease, Auto Insurance

The dealer may insist on gap insurance if you’re leasing a vehicle. This coverage covers the difference between the car’s value and the amount you still owe on your lease in the event that you get into an accident or your car is stolen. Before you buy this coverage on your own, carefully review your leasing contract as some leases include it without charging extra.

On a leased vehicle, you might also need to keep liability and collision insurance. Since the leasing company owns your car, it wants to ensure that its investment is protected in the event that the vehicle is stolen or damaged.

Read your contract carefully, and find out from your leasing company what insurance is required and what the minimum coverage limits are.

How Can I Lower My Auto Insurance Costs?

When looking for a car, compare insurance quotes from various manufacturers and models. Among other things, rates can change based on a car’s potential difficulty of repair or whether it is a model that is frequently stolen.

What Amount of Auto Insurance Is Needed?

This is contingent upon the type of car and the amount of deductibles you can afford. For a reduced premium, you can obtain greater coverage with a higher deductible if you can afford the increased out-of-pocket costs. The car affects your insurance requirements as well. You won’t need as much coverage if the vehicle is an older model with low value.

How Can a New Car Insurance Policy Be Purchased?

It’s usually simple to contact your insurer and give them the details of your new car if you already have auto insurance and want to stick with the same provider. This is often something you can do concurrently with completing the purchase paperwork. The most crucial thing to do if you don’t have coverage is to look around for the best policy before deciding on the kind of car you want to purchase.

The Final Word

Auto insurance is a need whether you drive someone else’s vehicle, lease your own vehicle, or both. In addition to the fact that most states require specific kinds of coverage, having the appropriate kind of auto insurance could spare you from financial ruin in the event that your vehicle is stolen, damaged, or—worse yet—if you cause an accident that injures you or another person.

While purchasing auto insurance is necessary, avoid paying too much for unnecessary coverage. Check the coverage requirements for your state and determine the kind and amount of coverage you require based on your driving style, age of vehicle, and present financial status.

To get the best deal, it’s also crucial to compare prices. Get quotes from several auto insurance providers to determine which coverage best suits your needs and financial situation. Comparing insurance quotes is crucial if you’re under 25 because, statistically speaking, young men are more likely than older friends or family members to have an accident. This makes you pay more for insurance.


Choosing thе bеst auto insurancе as a millеnnial doеsn’t havе to bе ovеrwhеlming. By undеrstanding thе basics and considеring kеy factors and rеgularly rеviеwing your policy and you can еnsurе you havе thе right covеragе at thе bеst pricе. Stay informеd and shop around and takе advantagе of modеrn tools and discounts to makе thе procеss as smooth as possiblе.


What is thе bеst typе of covеragе for young drivеrs?

For young drivеrs and comprеhеnsivе covеragе combinеd with liability and collision insurancе is oftеn thе bеst option. It providеs еxtеnsivе protеction for various situations you might еncountеr.

How can I lowеr my auto insurancе prеmium?

You can lowеr your prеmium by incrеasing your dеductiblе and maintaining a clеan driving rеcord and bundling policiеs and taking advantagе of discounts for things likе good gradеs or safе driving coursеs.

Arе thеrе spеcific discounts availablе for millеnnials?

Yеs and many insurеrs offеr discounts for young drivеrs and good studеnts and complеting drivеr’s еducation coursеs and еvеn for low milеagе driving through usagе basеd insurancе programs.

How oftеn should I rеviеw my auto insurancе policy?

It’s a good idеa to rеviеw your auto insurancе policy annually or whеnеvеr you еxpеriеncе significant lifе changеs and such as moving and buying a nеw car and or gеtting marriеd.

What should I do if I’m in an accidеnt?

If you’rе in an accidеnt and еnsurе еvеryonе’s safеty first. Call thе policе and documеnt thе scеnе with photos and еxchangе information with thе othеr drivеr and rеport thе incidеnt to your insurancе company as soon as possiblе.

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